A Monster Mash Halloween...
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A Rube Goldberg Halloween... A Monster Mash Halloween...
By James Santagata
Principal Consultant, Career OverDrive! The Career OverDrive!™ Audio Guides are designed so you can quickly listen to the major sections of the website while at home, in your car or when taking your nightly walk. By James Santagata
Principal Consultant, Career OverDrive! Many people have asked, "What exactly is the meaning of Career OverDrive?" Well, that's a great question. So allow me to delve a little deeper into this meaning and also explain the essence and philosophy of Career OverDrive! To some, Career OverDrive! evokes a feeling of speed or acceleration and, yes, one of the purposes of Career OverDrive! is to accelerate your career and more importantly to get you to a terminal or cruising speed as quickly and uneventfully as possible. That is just the beginning, though, because beyond that we want to keep you there, at that cruising speed, and just like the overdrive gear in a car, this means allowing you to maintain this cruising speed using far less energy than would normally be required. In terms of your career this means rapidly accelerating your career and then holding your performance and productivity at this high-speed while at the same time throttling back (without degrading your performance and productivity) and then consuming only a fraction of the fuel (your energy, time and resources) previously used or required. The beauty of this is that it allows you to avoid burning out while at the same time maintaining your work performance and enjoying a fantastic work-life balance. Beyond that, we want you punching above your weight. That is, by taking the skills and abilities you have now and working to help you properly package and present yourself, you should be able to land positions, new jobs, projects and promotions that you are just not "qualified" for on paper or according to the consensus of the powers that be you are "unqualified" and should be rejected with extreme prejudice. And all of this leads to just one thing. Our mission is to help you enjoy your work to the fullest while attaining your career objectives with the least amount of stress, effort and uncertainty and all while maintaining an actual life outside of work. Yes, the ever elusive work-life balance. Impossible? Far from it. It is very possible. But you must understand that there is always someone who will be looking to ride your coattails, to hitch their wagon to you and have you do all of the pulling, to take your promotion or to steal your time and energy away by covertly or overtly shifting their work load to you, all the while of course, they retain and take all the credit. Our goal is to make that a thing of the past. To help you do this effortlessly, so that it become second nature. A new "good" habit. The habit of success. And the habit of not only productive work, but the habit of monetizing and capitalizing on that productive work. You may well ask, "How exactly is this done?". Well, here are two posts that go a bit deeper into that: 1) What's The Framework Underlying Career OverDrive's Training Systems? 2. Learn What We Do & Why We're Different You can also read up on our Career Solutions as well as individual training programs. By James Santagata Principal Consultant, Career OverDrive! Our new logo is finally up! You can see a comparison of the new logo and previous logo below. Career OverDrive's New Logo Career OverDrive's Previous Logo By James Santagata
Principal Consultant, Career OverDrive! We are pleased to announce that Career OverDrive's website content and content archives are now fully indexed & searchable! This will enable easier and more complete access to all of our content. By James Santagata
Principal Consultant, Career OverDrive! What Is Career OverDrive! When people initially hear of Career OverDrive! one of the first questions they ask is this: "What exactly does Career OverDrive! do and what does the motiff of Career OverDrive! represent?" "Is it speed or aggressiveness?" The answer is neither. Think of Career OverDrive! as analogous to the overdrive system in a car. It's about efficiency and sustainability of a given speed, that is, the ability to maintain a certain speed with minimal engine rotation and a more efficient usage of energy (gas). And so it is with Career OverDrive!. Specifically we want you to help you accelerate your career and to reach a cruising speed as quickly as possible but to do so in a way whereby you are not burning yourself out but enjoying yourself - for the long haul! Sure, we won't lie to you. They'll be plenty of hard work and some sleepless nights ahead, but that will be the exception rather than the rule. And all of that effort you put in now will pay off many times over, far into the future. What To Expect? On our journey together, expect to be challenged, to grow, to reconsider and to be taken through the entire lifecycle of both your current job, your next job and your career. Starting from career planning and development, through career paths, transitions and change, onward to high-impact resume development and high-performance job searches (either working with a recruiter, doing it yourself or using a blended approach). Continuing with high-impact interview preparations, salary negotiations to your onboarding. And once you’ve landed your dream job, we’ll work to ensure you keep it with our Psychological Jujutsu ™ communications training featuring influencing, persuasion, negotiation, assertiveness and leadership. Lastly, given today’s “rough and tumble” if not cut throat corporate environment, together we’ll work our way through office politics and organizational power dynamics ensuring that you not only survive and thrive but triumph. |
AboutCareer OverDrive™ is your platform for career acceleration and expert advice. Together we'll explore high-performance career development, acceleration, transitions and change, job searching, interviewing and salary negotiations, Psychological Jujutsu™ and office politics and organizational power dynamics. Archives (by date)
June 2018
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