Principal Consultant, Career OverDrive!
Over the last 8 years or so, as the coaching and personal development field has continued to bloom and then explode, I've noticed the rise to prominence of two types of coaches.
1. The Peddlers of Hope and Passion (Hope Peddlers & Passion Peddlers).
2. The Peddlers of Fortune Cookie Inspiration.
Now, don't get me wrong, both coaching categories have their value and their place. It all depends on the needs of their particular clients.
In fact, helping to instill or to activate hope or passion in a client is surely a noble act and it can have much value as can short, pithy inspirational talks or interactions.
The danger, though, is when Passion, Hope and Fortune Cookies (PHFC) are the extent of the coach's toolkit or when the client isn't self-aware that they may well need to "graduate" to a more Nuts and Bolts focused coach.
For instance, if you are a carpenter or design commercial structures, initially PHFC can be very motivating and valuable.
"You can do it!" (Peddler of Hope)
"You're Howard Roarke! and don't even know it!" (Peddler of Passion)
"Rome wasn't built in a day!" (Fortune Cookie Inspiration)
At some point, Nuts and Bolts matter - the types and variations of nuts and bolts, the dimensions, the specifications like material and tensile strength.
We'll talk more about Nuts and Bolts coaches and coaching as well since even that has some shortcomings which are not readily apparent.