Principal Consultant, Career OverDrive!
Fierce & Ferocious Office Politics...Isn't it time the "good guys" won?
Sometimes the best defense not to throw in the towel or yield but to mount a napalm-laden offense.
Yielding and deciding to quit and find a new position in the face of fierce office politics simply kicks the can down the road, effectively mortgaging your future with the payments coming due when you can least afford them.
Trust me on this.
This can be solved with the right attitude and training, very quickly. Did you know that in most of these cases, the dirty politicker is standing on a woobly chair, amongst a greased floor with a rope around his or her neck?
You simply need to distract them so that they lose their balance and do themselves in...or....surface the "opportunity" to another aggrieved party who has no compunction in "bumping" the chair.