Managing Director, Career OverDrive!
Don't waste your life waiting for the bus to come pick you up.
Newsflash: It ain't coming!
Well, at least it ain't coming anytime soon or it would have been here by now...
Sometimes, the smart move, sometimes the only move is to make a conscious decision to lace-up your boots and start the long, back breaking journey on foot.
You'll be told by others, perhaps even through your own internal talk, that you aren't ready, that you aren't prepared, that the timing isn't right.
But you need to realize one thing while you ask yourself another.
Life isn't a dress rehearsal and if you aren't ready now, without getting in the arena of life, bench marking your skills, tempering and honing the skills you already have now while developing new ones, when, pray tell, when will you ever be ready?
The answer is NEVER.
And in that case your future is as clear as day and ends with a Death Bed Regret.
Remember, we almost never regret what we do, we regret what we didn't do.